Healthy @ Highland Church Reopening Plan
In-Person worship is returning to Highland Methodist. In order to follow social distancing guidelines, capacity will be limited and registration will be required. You can learn about what we are doing to create a safe environment, ways you can keep others safe while attending, register for a service and more below.
Register for our 9:30 and 11AM Services
Registration for Sunday service is available from Monday - Thursday each week at our homepage. Remember to follow all social distancing guidelines, bring a facial covering if possible (we will have them available), and please stay home if you are sick or are running a fever.
What do I need to know about attending worship?
In order that we may all stay Healthy @ Highland when coming to the church building for worship, these are the things you need to know:
Your friend,
John W. Bowling
Senior Pastor
- There will be TWO services on Sunday morning at 9:30 and 11.
- Registration is required. You may make a reservation online using this form OR you may call the church office to make a reservation. If no one is available, you may leave your name, the number of people in your reservation and which service you would like to attend on the voicemail. 859-441-0587
- We have determined a capacity limit for the sanctuary to ensure social distancing and you will be given an assigned seat based on your reservation. Your assigned seat will be sent to you prior to Sunday morning and the greeters will also have this information when you arrive and will assist in directing you to your seat.
- Masks will be required upon entering the building. If you need a mask, we have disposable masks available for you.
- There will be hand sanitizer nearby at any given time while you are with us in the building.
- To minimize touchpoints, all hymnals, bibles, pens, paper and bulletins have been removed for the time being.
- There will be no congregational singing for the time being. Large group singing has been shown to present a particular hazard in the transmission of COVID-19 and so we will forgo this particular element for now.
- There will be no coffee fellowship before or between services for the time being.
- Tithes and Offerings will be handled differently for in-person worship. Rather than passing offering plates, we will have boxes at each door and you may drop your offering in the box as you enter or leave. If you would rather give electronically, you can make a one-time or recurring gift via our secure website. Giving can be done from a credit/debit card or direct draft from your bank account. Your continued support of the ministries of HUMC is so appreciated!
- No Holy Communion at this time.
- PLEASE consider staying home if you are 65 or older or have a condition which may make you more vulnerable to infection. We love and miss you, but we greatly value your health and safety.
- PLEASE DO NOT register to attend or come to church if you have been sick, have a fever or have symptoms of illness.
- Once again, we are doing our best to keep everyone safe. Please do not hesitate to contact the office or call me directly if you have any questions.
Your friend,
John W. Bowling
Senior Pastor