Welcome to Highland United Methodist Church
Visit us at:
314 N. Ft. Thomas Avenue
Ft. Thomas, KY 41075
9:30AM Worship Service - Sunday School for all ages
11AM Traditional Worship Service - Sunday School for all ages
Traditional with Choir Accompaniment
At Highland United Methodist Church, we love our red doors . They are a sign of welcome, warm meals, service, and fellowship. Highland United Methodist Church affirms and welcomes people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, ages, nations, and races. We fully include all in the life and ministry of the church as we seek to share God’s love in Jesus Christ.
314 N. Ft. Thomas Avenue
Ft. Thomas, KY 41075
9:30AM Worship Service - Sunday School for all ages
11AM Traditional Worship Service - Sunday School for all ages
Traditional with Choir Accompaniment
At Highland United Methodist Church, we love our red doors . They are a sign of welcome, warm meals, service, and fellowship. Highland United Methodist Church affirms and welcomes people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, ages, nations, and races. We fully include all in the life and ministry of the church as we seek to share God’s love in Jesus Christ.

Silent Witnesses

Wednesday Night Dinner - March 26

Bunny Breakfast - April 12, 9-11

Silent Witnesses - A Lenten Wednesday Night Study

Online Directory Now Available!
Worship With Highland
9:30 AM (Contemporary On-Campus and Online)
11AM (Traditional On-Campus and Online)
Click the Map Below for Directions
11AM (Traditional On-Campus and Online)
Click the Map Below for Directions